Creating living,
musical paintings

Sounds of a Sphere blends traditional musical performance with theatrical art, visualising the sound & soul of cultures worldwide.

Unmute to listen: An ancient Indian classical raga performed by Archana Ravi.

Artists: Pūoro Jerome (Taonga Pūoro) and Marcus Winter (Toi Onepu)
Raukatauri' is a unique retelling of pūrākau, combining Taonga Pūoro performance and live sand art (Toi Onepu) with digital art.
This Kaupapa from the beginning to the end was an equal collaboration between all three artists involved, giving us all an opportunity to practice our roles as Tangata Whenua & Tangata Tiriti honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Candlelit events:
A sensory experience

Enjoy a candlelit evening of music, cuisine, and stories as the sun sets over the ocean and the untouched Waitakere rainforest. Each event spotlights the creative jewels of a distinct culture.

We will be announcing our next summer event in the coming weeks.
Subscribe below, or follow us on facebook or instagram

Tierra y Mar - 6th April 2024

A candlelit evening of Flamenco and Gourmet Tapas.
Featuring Paul Bosauder - one of the southern hemispheres greatest Flamenco players.

Jalsaghar 'The Music Room' - 24th November 2023

Featuring Indian classical music, Indian cuisine & tonics and a late-night movie screening, Jalsaghar played on all senses. Like traditional Indian music performance, everybody was seated on the ground upon rugs and pillows. Between the sunset, candles, music, tastes & smells - it was an intimate night for all involved.

Stay informed:
Upcoming events & Living Paintings